General & Young Scientists Session
Quantum and Plasma
Traditionally, plasma physics has been rooted in classical physics, encompassing classical electromagnetism and equations of motion. However, recently, quantum mechanics has been making significant intrusion into the field of plasma physics in diverse and exciting ways. Are you interested in exploring opportunities to integrate your plasma research with this cutting-edge area?
At iFPC 2024, we are thrilled to have three young scientists and a distinguished senior scientist joining us. On Monday morning, the three invited young speakers will present on topics including QED in laser-plasma interactions, warm-dense matter, and radiation reaction.
In the plenary session on Tuesday afternoon, Dr. Ilya Dodin from Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) will review his excellent work on quantum computation algorithms for plasma simulations.
I firmly believe that this special event will offer invaluable insights into the future of plasma physics. I look forward to seeing you all at the General & Young Scientists Sessions of iFPC 2024.
Prof. MinSup Hur,
Organizer of General & Young Scientists Session for iFPC 2024
Plenary Session 7
DateJune 25 (Tue), 2024 Time13:30~14:10 PlaceOlympia Hall (1F)
“Quantum Computing for Plasma Physics: State of the Art and Potential
Ilya Dodin
General Session
DateJune 24 (Mon), 2024 Time11:00 – 12:00 PlaceRoom A
“Simulation of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) with High Power Lasers
using Particle in Cell Codes”
Inhyuk Nam
(PAL, Korea)
“Diagnosis of hot and warm electrons in solid-density plasmas
irradiated by intense laser pulses”
Leejin Bae
(GIST, Korea)
“Revisiting Classical Electrodynamics without Renormalization”
Teyoun Kang
(KSA, Korea)