- ▶ [Topic 1] Fusion Science
- - Confinement
- - Heating & Current Drive
- - Scenarios
- - MHD
- - Energetic Particles
- - Plasma-wall Interaction
- - Disruption · Runaway Electrons
- - Fundamental Theory and Simulation, etc
- ▶ [Topic 2] Fusion Technology
- - ITER Technology
- - Heating and Current Drive System
- - Plasma Facing Components
- - Blanket and Fuel Cycle
- - Materials
- - Superconducting magnets
- - DEMO and Reactor System, etc.
- - Safety and Environment, Scio-economic Studies, Code & License, etc.
- ▶ [Topic 3] Plasma Fundamentals & Diagnostics
- - Waves and Instabilities
- - Dusty and Strongly-coupled Plasmas
- - Space Plasmas and Magnetic Reconnection
- - Partially Ionized Plasmas
- - High-pressure and Thermal Plasmas
- - Computational Plasma Physics
- - Plasma Chemistry and Plasma-surface Interactions
- - Fusion Plasma Diagnostics
- - Low-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics
- ▶ [Topic 4] Plasma Sources & Applications
- - Plasma Sources
- - Sensor Technology
- - Emerging Simulation Technology
- - Functional Materials
- - Semiconductor and Display Processes
- - Plasma Medicine and Bioscience
- - Energy and Environment, etc.
- ▶ [Topic 5] Accelerators & Laser-Plasma
- - Accelerators
- - Beam Physics
- - Accelerator/Beam Applications
- - RF Sources
- - Laser-produced Plasmas
- - High-energy-density Physics
- - High Power Lasers
- - THz Sources and Applications